South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School

HMI Monitoring Visit: Progress Update


We are delighted to share the findings from the HMI monitoring visit to Cornelius Vermuyden School, held on 10 and 11 December 2024. Since SEEAT began supporting the school in April 2024, our team has worked tirelessly to implement significant improvements, and this visit reflects the impact of those efforts.

Key Highlights from the Report:

  • Curriculum Excellence: Our curriculum has been redesigned to provide an ambitious and engaging learning experience for all students.
  • Reading Initiatives: Dedicated lessons for Years 7 and 8 are fostering a love of reading, supported by a well-resourced library.
  • Improved Behaviour: Classrooms now offer a more positive and focused learning environment.
  • SEND Support: Students with special educational needs and disabilities are fully integrated into school life and supported to succeed.
  • Attendance Gains: Interventions to improve attendance are showing positive results, with reductions in absence rates.

The report also recognises our collaboration with SEEAT, whose support has been instrumental in driving these improvements while maintaining a strong focus on staff well-being.

While we are proud of the progress made, we remain committed to addressing areas for further improvement, including supporting struggling readers, ensuring consistent behaviour in all areas, and continuing to improve attendance.

We invite you to read the full HMI monitoring report by clicking the link below.

hmi monitoring visit december 2024.pdf



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