South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School

Health and Social Care


In the Health and Social Care course, students will learn about the roles of various health and social care professionals, essential care values, and how to create and plan activities for service users with different needs.

Knowledge and Skills

In the Health and Social Care course, students learn about the rights of individuals and the care values required when working in health, social care, or early years environments. Through role play and case studies, they gain an understanding of how to apply these values to ensure that individuals' dignity is maintained.

Students explore the importance of effective communication in connecting with individuals using care services and develop their understanding of how communication impacts an individual's care. They also broaden their knowledge of the wide range of career paths and opportunities in the care sector, discovering both the challenges and rewards, which helps them make informed decisions about their future careers and prepare a personal career plan.

The course also allows students to explore various types of creative activities available in the sector, understanding how these can be used to meet individuals' needs and enhance their enjoyment and personal value. Students will plan and carry out an activity with either an individual or group.

Additionally, this course provides opportunities to learn basic first aid procedures, child protection and safeguarding, as well as different body systems and disorders. Students will plan and carry out investigative tasks, critically evaluating their own data and that obtained from other sources, using ICT where appropriate.

Students will use electronic resources (internet, CD ROMs, databases, simulations, etc.) and traditional sources of information (books, magazines, leaflets, etc.) to research and plan investigations. They will interpret and evaluate health and social care-related data, gaining an understanding of key concepts, how they develop, the factors that may affect their development, and their strengths and limitations.

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 4

The Cambridge National in Health and Social Care introduces students to the specialist knowledge and skills required to work in various care settings. This qualification emphasizes core values and effective communication with individuals to ensure their dignity and sense of being valued are maintained.

The course includes the following components:

  • R021: Essential Values of Care for Use with Individuals in Care Settings (1-hour exam)
  • R022: Communicating and Working with Individuals in Health, Social Care, and Early Years Settings (coursework)
  • R026: Planning for Employment in Health, Social Care, and Children and Young People's Workforce (coursework)
  • R027: Creative Activities to Support Individuals in Health, Social Care, and Early Years Settings (coursework)

Career Opportunities in Health and Social Care

Students can progress to college or apprenticeships in health and social care. Many students go on to study health and social care, psychology, sociology, social work, and nursing at college and university.

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
R032 Principles of care in health and social care
Students will learn the importance of the rights of service users. and the person-centered values and how they can be applied to health and social care settings. They will learn to communicate effectively when providing care and support for service users in health and social care settings. And create a care environment that is safe and hygienic for service users and service providers.
Students will know examples of health care settings and social care settings. The rights of the service users in health and social care settings, and the benefits to Service users, health and well-being when their rights are maintained. They will be able to apply person and know the benefits of applying person centered values. The importance of effective communication skills, non-verbal communication skills and active listening skills in health and social care settings.
Students will answer mock/practice exam questions and papers to gain confidence for the external exam paper in year 11. They will use teacher and peer assessment comments to independently strengthen their knowledge. The exam is 1 hour and 15 minutes and has 70 marks. There are 6 compulsory questions including short and medium answers and extended responses.

 Year 11 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

R034 Creative and Therapeutic Activities 

Topic Area 4 and 1 and revisit topic areas 2 & 3.

Complete NEA Tasks 1-4

Students will recap the topic areas 2 and 3 completed before the summer.


They will learn how to evaluate their own performance considering the skills/personal qualities required to encourage participation in the planned activity.


They will learn the different types of therapies available; Sensory, cognitive, expressive, and physical and learn about the physical, intellectual, emotional and social benefits of these.

Students will deliver the creative activity they have planned. They must introduce the activity and supervise it using appropriate communication skills.


They will need to collect feedback from the participants to evaluate their own performance, evaluating the strength and weaknesses of their planning, communication skills and encouraging participation. Students will be able to give suggestions for improvements.


Students will describe therapies such as aromatherapy, reflexology, massage, Hypnotherapy, speech and language, Mind body healing. Reminiscence therapy. Art therapy. Play therapy. Yoga. Tai Chi, Reiki.


Students know the benefits of each therapy such as Improves movement, appetite and sleep. Reduces pain and blood pressure. Helps concentration and mental stimulus. Improve self-esteem, confidence, anxiety and depression. and helps connect with others, improving cooperation.

This is set through an OCR set NEA assessment. Marks will be submitted in the January series and if necessary, resubmissions can be made in May. It is marked out of 60 and grades are awarded as Level1 Pass, Merit, Distinction, Level2 Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction * .

An observation record is completed by the teacher for Delivering the activity.


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